Diamond is the most quintessential stone in a woman’s life. Have you ever thought about the depth of this precious stone? Have you ever thought about the color of diamonds? Are all diamonds white in color? Stop and think before diamond jewellery shopping. Learn about different colors of diamonds.
If you are going for diamond jewellery shopping then generally you will come across five broad spectrums of colors in Diamonds namely
Pink/ Red Diamonds
Diamond colors ranging from pink to red looks pretty and enchanting. The alluring red is color is not at all similar to ruby, but has its own unique charm. The red or pink colored diamonds are the most expensive ones, you need to save a lot if you wish to own this color of diamond.
Blue diamonds
Remember the great heart of ocean? It is the one that Rose (Kate Winslet) wears in the movie, Titanic. The beautiful heart is the first thing that strikes our minds when we talk about blue diamonds.
The blue diamonds are not so rare but they have their own special value in the kingdom of diamonds.
Green diamonds
Green diamonds are very different from emeralds; when you are buying a green diamond make sure that you do not mistake them with emeralds. The big green diamond surrounded with precious stones looks so fabulous and appealing.
Yellow/ Orange diamonds
If you think that yellow jewellery is not appealing then have a look at this:-
Yellow or range jewellery is a very popular form of jewellery which looks absolutely stunning and iconic.
Purple /violet diamonds
The latest color added to the categories of diamonds is Purple or violet. This color has a romantic appeal which looks undeniably gorgeous on the wearer.
This was all about the different colors of diamonds. They are very much in vogue and started being in huge demand. From colorless diamonds to differently colored diamonds, diamond jewellery shopping offers everything to you.