One of the most famous shapes of diamond for an engagement ring is the princess cut. It is a square shaped diamond with sharp corners which is a favourite among women since years and it will remain to be a favourite for the years to come. Stores of online shopping of diamond jewelry in India offer the princess cut diamond rings in abundance as it is very much in demand. Women have long been a fan of the princess cut owing to its clean and modern shape.
The beginning
The princess cut was first said to be created in 1971 by Basil Watermeyer who formed a new diamond shape referred to as the Barion cut. Later on the Quadrillion was created with a design similar to Barion cut but it consisted of 49 facets whereas Barion had 80 facets.
However it is significant to acknowledge both Barion and Quadrillion, the main introduction of princess cut goes back even further to 1961 when A.Nagy of London created a “profile” cut which is often referred to as a princess cut. Years later, Betzalel Ambar and Israel Itzkowitz made the princess cut popular as the most known fancy cut, especially for engagement rings.
Online shopping of diamond jewelry in India boosted due to the increasing demand for diamond rings especially the princess cut.
What makes a princess cut diamond so popular?
It is the clean square shape of the diamond which sets it apart from all other types of diamonds. The square stone with 58 facets is uniquely designed to show off the diamond’s unique sparkle. What sets the princess cut ring apart from a round brilliant diamond is not just the square shape but its high quality look in less expensive price.
Most of the people prefer to buy the princess cut ring as their engagement ring because of its brilliant cut, beautiful design and admirable shine. It is a dream engagement ring that every girl would want to have. Online shopping of diamond jewelry in India has been increasing owing the special cuts and types of diamond available in stores.